Fractal Designs


3D Printed, Graphene-Doped, Solid-State Photonic Cooling DEHEAT technology is based around materials which have complex fractal-like architectures; structures which have already been shown to absorb electromagnetic radiation in the microwave region -
  • The material structure acts like an electromagnetic ‘trap’ – the wavelength of trapped radiation being determined by the ‘hole’ or pore sizes
  • The company is currently developing graphene doped polymers to create a new ‘metamaterial’ that will trap infrared radiation (IR) leading to a net cooling effect
  • This trapped heat can be converted to electricity via the thermoelectric effect
  • In simple terms, a DeHeat device scavenges heat from its surroundings and converts that heat into electricity
  • The company is developing scalable production methods for devices capable of:
    • on-chip thermal management
    • electric vehicle battery cooling
    • air conditioning add-on unit - reduces air intake temps
  • The potential for positive social impact is also clear – reducing consumer energy bills and enabling a healthier environment due to significant emissions savings
  • Innovate UK competition winners – ‘Emerging and Enabling Technologies’ – the Company has recently (Aug 2017) been awarded a £70,000 grant from Innovate UK to facilitate further development of the concept
  • SEIS/EIS compliant –Significant tax advantages to investors

Meet the team: 

Peter Cubbin

Peter Cubbin

Peter is a designer, inventor and artist with a background in all things online. His previous accomplishments have included inventing, designing and patenting an innovative water saving tap. Peter manages our online presence and is responsible for our company artwork and branding. Peter ensures that our products are not only efficient but aesthetically pleasing too. Peter suggested reviving the obsolete word 'DeHeat' as a brand name and is a founder of the company.

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Erik Cox

Erik Cox

Erik is a physicist and Research Scientist in nanotechnology. His past research interests have included studies on atomically precise manufacturing and quasi-crystals. He has worked across the three continents of Europe, Asia and America. Erik’s main focus now is on sustainable technologies. He brings a myriad of useful academic contacts and liaises with our various collaborator institutions. Erik is presently a volunteer member of The Graphene Council Task Force

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Jonathan Straight

Jonathan Straight

A dynamic and award-winning entrepreneur with a broad range of experience and skills. Having founded a business (Straight PLC), growing it organically and through acquisition to become the market leader in its field and floating it on the London Stock Exchange ten years in. He successfully exited after 21 years at the helm and is in the process of building a portfolio of non-executive roles within organisations that can benefit from his extensive experience.

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Tim Harper

Tim Harper

Tim is recognised as a leading expert in the economics and commercialisation of Nano and other emerging technologies. For 25 years, from the European Space Agency (ESA) to Graphene start-ups, he has been identifying and acting on new technology trends to build new companies or facilitate innovation in existing ones. His approach uses skills such as marketing, open innovation, digital public relations and analysis of new business areas or investment opportunities.

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About Inclusive... Logo Inclusive Furniture

Deheat® is the product of Inclusive Designs Ltd. We are based on The Wirral in Merseyside as well as having a desk at the Campus Technology Hub (CTH), Sci-Tech, Daresbury Laboratories.

Our areas of interest are innovation through science, technology and design, also solid-state cooling using 2 dimensional materials such as Graphene etc.

Founded in 2014 by Erik Cox and Peter Cubbin IDL currently have a board of five directors.

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Where we are...

Logo Inclusive Furniture

Located on The Wirral and at Daresbury Laboratory, the Campus Technology Hub (CTH) is a purpose-built engineering facility.

Sci-Tech Daresbury is one of two National Science and Innovation Campuses established in 2006, (originally named as Daresbury Science and Innovation Campus).

Sci-Tech Daresbury is internationally recognised through the reputation of the STFC Daresbury Laboratory and Cockcroft Institute in leading-edge research and development, and the successful establishment of its open innovation model.

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